English Congregation News

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Missions Corner:

Colin McCartney from Connect Ministries helped serve throughout the city of Toronto to develop a mission movement of Jesus followers. Connect Ministries’ goal is to encourage and build micro-churches who worship, grow and care for one another.
This summer, the camps are registered beyond full capacity as many children and youths are displaced from the one of the refugee shelters that Connect Ministries serve. Many are suffering from trauma. Please pray for the missionaries to share the gospel of peace with them, and for the healing that Jesus can bring to them. If you are interested in seeing their work, please contact Stanley stanleyhum2007@gmail.com .

English Welcome Team:

Are you interested in learning and developing more social skills? Do you want to use your gifts of hospitality and care to serve the congregation? Come join our English Welcome Team! The team will usher and welcome our friends, brothers and sisters and newcomers on Sunday mornings and help to follow up in any caring needs that are required in the congregation. Please contact Pastor Josiah if you’re interested or have any questions. mccc.josiaht@gmail.com (647)-327-2175