粵語堂ZOOM 崇拜直播平台 Cantonese Zoom Worship Live Stream 9:15am:
會議 ID: 872 6241 0460 密碼: 123456
英語堂ZOOM 崇拜直播平台 English Zoom Worship Live Stream 11:15am: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86388395934?pwd=ZDM0NlBtUDl4WTRMOFBRYUIvVXdvQT09
Meeting ID: 863 8839 5934 Passcode: 123123
國語堂 ZOOM 崇拜直播平台 Mandarin Zoom Worship Live Stream 11:15am: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86869313460?pwd=RE05bEorTTJIcmZjS2FKc0pMTE1EQT09
會議 ID: 868 6931 3460 密碼: 100100
Children Sunday School is held in-person on Sunday at 9:15am and 11:15am in Basement Room B5.
MCCC SUNDAY BULLETIN 主日崇拜程序表及家事報告: (3月23日 March 23)
粤語堂 Cantonese: http://mccc.on.ca/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/032325C.pdf
英語堂 English: http://mccc.on.ca/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/032325E.pdf
國語堂 Mandarin: http://mccc.on.ca/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/032325M.pdf
We invite all to join us for in-person church events. For those who cannot attend in-person worship, we offer Zoom online worship live stream, as well as YouTube recordings of the worship for viewing afterwards.
Please consider supporting our ministries financially through the online banking portals of Canada’s major banks.
Click here for instructions
For inquiries, please call 416-498-3399 or email to millikenchristianchurch@gmail.com