Children’s Ministry

Children Sunday school NEW CHILDREN’S SUNDAY SCHOOL LINK: a. Elementary & Kindergarten Zoom channel at 1:30pm – 2:15pm Join Zoom Meeting \ Meeting ID:874 4692 0394 Passcode:123456

Membership Meeting

On June 27, 2021, at 10:30am, the AGM meeting had a total of 159 members participating, representing 63.6% of total membership. The following motions have been accepted by the members: MOTION: 1. To accept the audited Milliken Christian Community Church Summary Statement of Revenue, Expenses and Fund Balance for the fiscal year ended December 31,…

Community Prayer Meeting

This Sunday is the fourth Sunday of the month. We will have our regularly scheduled community prayer! Come join us at 10:00am on Zoom to see each other and have the opportunity to pray for one another in the congregation. Here is the link: Join Zoom Membership Meeting: