Community Prayer Meeting

Next Sunday is the fourth Sunday of the month. We will have our regularly scheduled community prayer! Come join us at 10:00am on Zoom to see each other and have the opportunity to pray for one another in the congregation. Here is the link:Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 837 2865 5849 Passcode: 715128


ECB News Flash (June 15, 2021) a) Membership Meeting – Members are strongly encouraged to participate in the mail-in voting session today between 1:00-4:00pm in the church foyer, after health screening and by following social distancing measures. Members may also vote on the day of the membership meeting (Sunday, June27) between 10:30am and 12:30pm in…

Membership Meeting

Mail-in voting sessions will be held on thisSunday from 1:00 to 4:00pm, in the church foyer. (Following thesocial distancing rules) The Membership Meeting scheduled forJune 27.