ECB News Flash (November 22nd, 2015)

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a. Membership Meeting – 162 members voted during the AGM (55.7% of
MCCC’s members) last Sunday. The motion to approve the 2016
MCCC Financial Budget has been accepted by the membership.
b. Parking – Thanks to all MCCC brothers and sisters for obeying the
patrol team and the signs in the parking lot and keeping GSCC parking
spots free for GSCC brothers and sisters to use. Please continue to
follow the signs and park only in the MCCC parking spots on the north
side of the parking lot.
c. Missions – The ECB has approved the adoption of Rev. C.Y. Yan
(OMF Canada) as one of MCCC’s supported missionaries. The ECB
also approves support for Living Water Counselling Centre and Trans
World Radio theological training program in China through ACEM
Missions Fund.
d. Fundraising Sale – A fundraising dessert sale to support MCCC
brothers and sisters going to the Urbana 2015 Conference in
December will be held on November 29 at 9:00-9:30
a.m. and 10:45-11:15 a.m. in the upstairs kitchen and Room 101.
e. General Management – The flooring in the church basement will be
waxed on December 1-2 (Tuesday to Wednesday). Brothers and
sisters coming to church on those 2 days should try not to go to the