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a. Pastor Timothy Yuen Ordination:
˙This will take place on December 15 (Saturday) at 2:00 pm in GSCC
Sanctuary, followed by refreshment in MCCC Room B10.
˙The celebration banquet will be held at Royale Fine Dining Banquet
皇家御宴(648 Silver Star Blvd, Scarborough) at 6:00 pm. Brothers
and sisters who have purchased tickets are reminded to attend.
b. News Flash (Minutes for December 4, 2018).
1/ 2019 MCCC ECB Roles (see attached document)
2/ Finance – The last day to submit reimbursement claim forms under
the 2018 church budget is December 30 (Sunday)
3/ All brothers and sisters are reminded to clean up after food
preparation, cooking and eating to prevent pest infestations
(especially the kitchen areas). Please do not leave food unattended.
4/ The ECB appreciates Deacon Gary Dong for his 6 years of service
on the ECB. His term will end on December 31, 2018.
5/ 40 Days of Prayer – The program will start on March 3, 2019. Books
for the program (in Chinese and English) will begin to sell for $10
each in February 2019.