a. ECB will have a special meeting at 4:00 pm in Room 101 today.
b. News Flash (May 21, 2019):
1/ Approval of $1,308 of the ACEM 5% Mission Fund Rebate to MCCC to
support Rev. & Mrs. Luke Goh’s ministry in Germany (replacing Pastor Lewis
and Felain Lam while they are on furlough)
2/ Our church custodian, Mr. Jing Chao Li will retire on June 30, 2019. A BBQ
lunch will be held on Sunday, June 23 from 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm to celebrate
his retirement. Tickets will be $5 and will be available for purchase soon.
3/ Canada Day Outreach – MCCC will have a Canada Day community outreach
event on Monday, July 1 with prayer, performances, game booths and a
garage sale. Brothers and sisters are encouraged to donate items to sell at
the garage sale. Please bring the items to church on June 23 (Sunday) or
June 30 (Sunday).
4/ Canada Summer Jobs – Jessica Qiu, Jeffrey Zhu and Sherman Lee are hired
as summer workers at MCCC with funding partly provided from the Canada
Summer Jobs government grant. Please pray for these young people as they
prepare for service in MCCC.
5/ Pastor Jiade Chen has been renewed as Voluntary Pastor for the Mandarin
Congregation. His new term of service will begin on June 1, 2019 and end on
May 31, 2020.
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