a. ECB will meet on this Wednesday, October 9 at 7:00 pm in Room 101. All
co-workers please attend.
b. Minutes for September 24, 2018
• ECB has revised the distribution of the 5% ACEM Mission Fund Rebate to
MCCC as follows:
– $1,500 to Pastor Xiaodan Gang (Canadian Baptist Ministries missionary
in Germany)
– $808 to Gilman Ho (Ambassadors for Christ)
• Membership Meeting: The membership meeting to approve the 2020
church budget will be held on Sunday, November 17. A mail-in voting
session will be held on November 10 for members who are not available to
vote in the membership meeting. All members please attend the
membership meeting voting session or the mail-in voting session to vote
on the church budget.
ECB News
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