ECB: News update : May 13, 2020
a. MCCC has received an exemption from the Federal
Government to extend calling of the 2020 MCCC
Membership Meeting to before October 31, 2020. The
membership meeting will be held before December 31,
b. The ECB has approved the following candidates to
stand for election as deacons for the years 2021-22:
Cantonese Congregation – Irene Cheung,
Janny Wan, Sam Watt
Mandarin Congregation – Steve Chao, Gary Dong
c. The contract for Pastor Josiah Tse has been extended
for a third 1-year term. The new contract term begins
June 1, 2020.
d. The Canada Day outreach event scheduled for July 1
will be postponed to an event at a future date.
e. MCCC will donate $2,507 leftover funding from New
Horizons Seniors Program to 105 Gibson Centre to
support their food bank project and their donation of
protective equipment to small town senior homes and
f. MCCC will distribute $3,047.58 leftover from Finland
STM as follows:
$1,047.58 to AFC Canada for Teens Conference
$2,000.00 to Gilman Ho (MCCC supported missionary
with AFC)
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