ECB news: (Sep 29 2020)
1). Membership Meeting – The 2020 MCCC Membership Meeting
will be held on Sunday, December 20 at 1:00pm.. Mail-in voting
sessions will be held for 4 Sundays starting Sunday, (October
25, Nov 1, 8, 15) on church property from 9:00am to 1:00pm.
Church members are encouraged to come to church in these 4
weeks to vote during the sessions, following social-distancing
Agenda for the Membership Meeting is as follows:
a. Accept Minutes of Membership Meeting on November 15,
b. To accept the audited Milliken Christian Community Church
Summary Statement of Revenue, Expenses and Fund
Balance for the year ended December 31, 2019
c. To approve the proposed 2021 Milliken Christian Community
Church Budget
d. Elect deacons for the years 2021-22 (Deacon candidates:
Cantonese – Irene Cheung, Janny Wan, Sam Watt,
Mandarin – Steve Chao, Gary Dong)
e. Appoint Stephen P.F. Chui Professional Corp. as public
accountant for preparation of Milliken Christian Community
church 2020 audited financial statement
2). ECB has nominated Rev. Vincent Lee and Deacon Joseph
Wong to serve as MCCC representatives to ACEM Council
for the years 2021-22.