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ECB News Flash (June 15, 2021)

a) Membership Meeting – Members are strongly encouraged to participate in the mail-in voting session today between 1:00-4:00pm in the church foyer, after health screening and by following social distancing measures. Members may also vote on the day of the membership meeting (Sunday, June27) between 10:30am and 12:30pm in the church foyer.

b) Membership Meeting will be held on Zoom on June 27,2:00pm for accepting the minutes of membership meeting on December 20, 2020 and announcement of the results of the membership meeting voting.

Meeting ID: 861 2483 9793 Passcode: 123456

c) The ECB has approved the distribution of $3,000 of MCCC’s rebate from the ACEM Mission Fund to support missionaries in Myanmar through Partners International.

d) Fellowships from all congregations are welcome to use the outdoor space at the church for gatherings this summer.Currently a maximum of 10 people.Fellowships having outdoor meetings on church property must:

i.Contact the church office to book the space

ii.When booking, notify the church office of a responsible person in the fellowship to record all attendees, monitor the health of the attendees and ensure that social distancing is practiced

iii.Record all attendees (maximum of 10 people) of the meeting on a contact tracing form and submit the form to the church office