A special membership meeting will be held on Sunday, November 13 at 2:00pm for the approval of the 2023 church budget.
A. Members can vote to approve the budget through electronic
voting between Saturday, October 29 and Saturday, November
12 on Election Buddy. Members who have provided their
emails for voting will receive invitations on Friday, October 28.
Members who want to add/update their emails for electronic
voting can send their email addresses
to mcccmemberemail@gmail.com.
B. Members who have not provided their email addresses can
continue to vote in-person in mail-in voting sessions at church.
The mail-in voting sessions will be held on 3 Sundays (October
30, November 6 and November 13) after worship services in
the main foyer.
C. The 2023 budget draft is now posted on the bulletin board in
the hallway for viewing
D. An information session for the budget and the special
membership meeting will be held on Thursday, October 27 at
8:00pm on Zoom.
You are invited to having a scheduled Zoom meeting for Pre-SMM
Info Session:
Topic: Pre-SMM Info Session 特別會員會議前-咨詢會議
Time: Oct 27, 2022 08:00 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 862 6684 0234 Passcode: 714986
MCCC membership list is posted on the bulletin board. (Updated
on 2022, Oct 7), if you have any questions, please contact the
church office.