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ECB News Flash (Sep 26):
a. God has called J and A to serve Him in South Asia through Interserve. The commissioning ceremony will take place on November 12 at 2:00-3:00pm at church. Let us extend our blessings to them as we send them off.
b. Pastor Farrah Ng (Youth Pastor) is automatically added to the church membership.
c. A food drive will be held at church between October 8 to October 29. Please bring non-perishable food items to church for donation. The food will be sent to Gibson Centre Food Bank.

ECB News Flash (Oct 3):
a. MCCC Special Membership Meeting – A special membership meeting will be held on Sunday, November 12 at 3:00pm for the approval of the 2024 church budget.
b. Members can vote to approve the budget through electronic voting between Sunday, October 29 and Saturday, November 11 on Election Buddy. Members who have provided their emails for voting will receive invitations on Friday, October 28. Members who want to add/update their emails for electronic voting can send their email addresses to .
c. Members who have not provided their email addresses can continue to vote in-person in mail-in voting sessions at church. The mail-in voting sessions will be held on 3 Sundays (October 29, November 5, and November 12) after worship services in the main foyer.

d. The 2024 Budget consists of the General & Building Operations Fund of $937,287.69, Building Fund of $50,000, and the Total of $987,287.69.
e. The 2024 budget draft is now posted on the bulletin board in the hallway for viewing.
f. An information session for the budget and the special membership meeting will be held on Sunday, October 15 at 1:30pm on Zoom. Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 869 6434 7604 Passcode: 123456

MCCC membership list is posted on the bulletin board. (Updated on 2023, Oct 4). If you have any questions, please contact the church office.