Mission Corner

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The Chen’s serves with Ethnos Canada as part of a tribal church planting team in Papua New Guinea. Derek and Chantal, and their three children, Evan, Wesley, and Owen just went through some big transitions. Evan is studying in high school in Taiwan while the rest of the family minister to the Tanguat people in PNG.

• Praise the Lord! The Ramu Valley Bible Conference in September was a very encouraging time for the 500+ believers from 5 indigenous churches gathered there. Pray for the growth of these churches and for their unity in Christ.
• We attended our annual missionaries’ conference in early October and had a good time of fellowship with other members of the Body and great encouragement in the Word.

Prayer Requests
• For Evan’s adjustment to life and school in Taiwan, that he can become more plugged into a local church there and grow with other believers in the community.
• For our final push to finish our language and culture studies and for daily ministry and relationship building here in Tanguat.
• For the people to come with receptive hearts and grow in God’s truth as we teach the book of Ephesians to the church for the very first-time starting Oct 29!
• For more people to be willing to publicly testify their faith in Christ! We’re looking to hold the second baptism for the people in early December.
• That the Lord would send out more full-time cross-cultural workers to complete the Great Commission!