Mission Corner

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In 2012, Lewis and Felain joined Canadian Baptist Ministries to serve in Germany with a local organization, Forum für Mission unter Chinesen in Deutschland (FMCD). The Lams’ ministry is in the cities of Göttingen and Kassel. They minister to the many Chinese students studying in German universities, introducing the gospel message to these future professionals who return home upon graduation.

Their prayer requests:

  1. Pray that God will continue to bless our service and sharing in Canada, lifting up the Lord’s name!
  2. Nov 30 to Dec 11, there’s a short-term mission team will serve in Göttingen. Please pray that the Lord will keep the trip and use it.
  3. Pray that the Holy Spirit will bring our catechism friends to the Christmas outreach in December to know the gospel.
  4. Pray that the Lord will prepare people for the new year’s ministry, establish new core group teams, and work together to promote the gospel.