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ECB News Flash (March 18, 2025)
A. Pastor Josiah will preach at Toronto Mandarin Chinese Community Church English Service on Sunday March 30th from 9:00-10:45 a.m. He will then return to MCCC for English service afterwards.
B. All congregations will have Good Friday service on April 18. We will announce later the time of the services.
C. The joint Easter baptismal service will be on Saturday April 19 at 10:00 am. at Good Shepherd Community Church.
D. Stanley Hum is our additional MCCC representative for the ACEM Missions Committee.
E. A friendly reminder for all brothers and sisters to return all equipment to its original place after use.
F. The Board has identified and approved the deacon candidates for 2026-27. They will stand for the election at the upcoming AGM in May.