Sunday Worship Schedule (In-Person and Online)
- Cantonese Worship: 9:15am (Main Sanctuary and online via Zoom)
- Mandarin Worship: 11:15am (Main Sanctuary and online via Zoom)
- English Worship: 11:15am (Basement Chapel and online via Zoom)
Sunday School Schedule
- Cantonese: In-person Sundays 11:00am in Room 101 – see weekly church bulletin for details
- Mandarin: Online/in person, please see weekly church bulletin for details
- English: In-person starting February 2025, please see weekly church bulletin for details
- Children: 9:15am (In-person), 11:15am (In-person)
- Junior High: 11:15am (join English Worship musical worship in basement chapel, and then break out to Room B1)
Resource Centre: Self checkout and return of materials available.
Our mission is transforming to be passionate followers of Jesus Christ
Our vision is to continuously build up a healthy church that grows and reproduces.
2025 Theme: “Loving Your Neighbours, Sharing God’s Love”
Our Core Values:
- Exaltation – God-Exalting Worship
- Edification – Holistic Scriptural Teaching
- Encouragement – Spiritual Supporting Fellowship
- Evangelism – Holistic Gospel Evangelism
Despite providing worship services in three languages (Mandarin, Cantonese and English), and having meetings and ministries to meet the needs of different demographics, we are one church. We practice our core values based on Biblical principles and the needs of the community.
We organize every other year a church-wide Summer Camp, as well as a Celebrate Canada community outreach. For more information please see our calendar.
To serve our community, we have organized the following programs:
Classes are geared towards newcomers in the community whose primary language is Chinese (Cantonese, Mandarin, or other dialects). An all-English conversation class is available.
Currently classes are held online or over the phone. For more info please contact the church office at 416-498-3399.
For more info please contact the church office at 416-498-3399.
2025 Summer Children’s Day Camp: Registration has closed. Thank you for your support! Please stay tuned for information about Day Camp in 2026.
Junior High Summer Day Camp: Grade 7-9 students are welcome to join this camp from July 28 – August 1 (9 am to 3:30 pm). Fee $120 per student. We are limited to a capacity of 25. Please contact Pastor Tim for details .
Resumption of free after-school English class
Date: March 27 – June 12 (Every Thursday)
Time: 3:45pm – 5:30pm
Targets: Grade 1-6 students
**ELL Class is taught by a retired Ontario registered teacher, and the class is free to join. Please contact Pastor Tim for details
We are hiring summer interns to help out in the Children Ministry. Applicant should be entering first-year university/college or returning to university/college in September 2025. Please contact Pastor Tim for details .
Children’s Summer Day Camp helpers:
Dates: July 14-18 and July 21-25; If you are a Christian in Grade 6 or above, willing to help people and are interested in participating, please contact Pastor Tim for details .
Church phone number: 416-498-3399
Church email:
Use SMS, Wechat or WhatsApp to check church news or events using our number 437-988-1886