Children Ministry

a. If teachers across the province strike on Thursday (February 6), we will open Room B10 from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm on that day. Students in grades 1 to 8 are welcome to use it. Parents please register with Rev. Tim Yuen. b. The new season of “Children English Class” will begin in March….

Friendly Reminder

– Due to a new coronavirus outbreak in Mainland China, if brothers and sisters have returned from the affected area in the past ten days and have symptoms of suspected infection such as high fever, cough, or difficulty in breathing, please seek medical treatment immediately and we advise to stay at home. – Brothers and…

Child/Infant Dedication

We are planning a Child/Infant Dedication in February. This dedication is for children or infant at or under 6 years old; both parents are Christians and at least one parent and the child attend MCCC regularly. Please speak to Pastor Josiah or Pastor Vincent if you would like to dedicate your child/infant.