
現因疫情嚴峻,三堂主日崇拜及兒童主日學改為網上聚會, 不設實體聚會,直至另行通知。請弟兄姊妹禱告,求上 帝使疫情早日受控,讓教會能早日重回實體崇拜。

In-Person Meetings Cancelled

Due to the situation with the pandemic, all three Sunday services and Children Sunday School have moved to ONLINE only. There will not be any in-person gathering until further notice. Please pray to our God that the pandemic will be under control and we can go back to in-person worship gathering again.


2月1日(週二)為農曆新年,年初一,教會恭祝弟兄姊妹新 年快樂,主恩常在。