ECB News Flash

(Minutes for April 16, 2019): a. 2020-2021 Deacon Candidates: Cantonese Congregation – Joseph Wong, Ophelia Lau, Mandarin Congregation – Paul Tang, English Congregation – Wilson Young and Wylie Poon b. Membership Meeting: A membership meeting will be held on Sunday, May 26. All church members are strongly encouraged to participate in the voting sessions after…

Oil Painting Class

This will be held from May 7 to June 11, every Tuesday from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm in Room B10. The teacher is Mr. Kanson Lee (graduated from OCAD, owner of an art studio). The cost is $60 including course materials and will be collected in the first lesson. There is a maximum of…

Children Ministry

The following volunteers are needed to assist the 2019 children day camp. a. Adults: To prepare lunch for volunteers and snacks for children. If willing to help out, please contact Pastor Tim or Grace Cheng. b. Christian youths (Junior High & up): To qualify, you must be available for training and preparation. Please speak to…