a. Rev. John Hua will be on holiday from Dec 15-21.
a. Rev. John Hua will be on holiday from Dec 15-21.
ECB News(Dec 8): a. Membership Meeting – The membership meeting to accept the minutes of the membership meeting on November 17, 2019, announce the results of the membership meeting voting, and to accept the 2019 MCCC Annual Report will be held on Sunday, December 20 at 1:00pm in the MCCC Main Sanctuary. Due to COVID…
English Congregation’s Christmas Eve Gathering will be hosted on Zoom on December 24th at 4:00pm to 5:00pm. We welcome you to join celebrate Christ together as we virtually meet for Worship, Reflection and Prayer for one another. Here is the link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88907249364?pwd=Q2x0YmtwS3dR MG93NmNGMy9NUnBHUT09 Adelphoi Fellowship will be having a Christmas Retreat on December 29th from…