Children Ministry

a. 2019 Children Day Camp: It will be held in the church on July 15-19 & 22- 26 for children going to grades 1 to 6. If interested, please pick up the registration form on the magazine rack or outside the Children Ministry office (B4). The completed form with a cheque payable to Milliken CCC…

General Management

Our church is hiring a full time custodian for day to day cleaning and maintenance work. Please speak to Deacon Steve Chao/ Deacon Wilson Young/ Rev. Tim Yuen if you are interested.


教會現誠聘全職堂務同工一名,負責教會清潔工作及簡單 日常維修,弟兄姊妹如有意申請,請聯絡趙永智執事/楊天才執事/阮仲 謙牧師。