For information on how to give offering to MCCC, please click on the below link: Offering to MCCC Eng
For information on how to give offering to MCCC, please click on the below link: Offering to MCCC Eng
ECB will meet on this Tuesday, Feb 16 at 7:00 pm in Zoom. All coworkers please attend.
2021 Children Sunday school a. Elementary & Kindergarten Zoom channel at 1:30pm – 2:15pm Join Zoom Meeting EzVjJlRHdGMmYyazQxZz09 Meeting ID : 830 7619 3294 Passcode : 913163 b. “Wednesday with Pastor Tim”. It is held every Wednesday from 4:00 pm to 4:30 pm. Pastor Tim will meet with the children in the Zoom conference…