由4月1日開始,兒童部阮牧師會每日會透過Facebook 專頁發 送禱告及分享的信息,與孩子保持聯絡和溝通,直至疫情過 去及社會回復正常為止。請家長鏈結致以下綱站,與孩子一 同瀏覽和討論。家長可協助孩子透過電郵,短訊或Whatsapp與 阮牧師聯絡。 https://www.facebook.com/MCCC-Kids-Corner-109516864036744/
由4月1日開始,兒童部阮牧師會每日會透過Facebook 專頁發 送禱告及分享的信息,與孩子保持聯絡和溝通,直至疫情過 去及社會回復正常為止。請家長鏈結致以下綱站,與孩子一 同瀏覽和討論。家長可協助孩子透過電郵,短訊或Whatsapp與 阮牧師聯絡。 https://www.facebook.com/MCCC-Kids-Corner-109516864036744/
We will post the links to each service at church web-site every Saturday evening. Brothers and sisters can worship together at home. The schedule is as follows – Cantonese at 9:30 am, English and Children’s message at 10:30 am, and Mandarin at 11:30 am
Due to the Covid 19 pandemic situation and the policy of Ontario Government, church office will be temporarily closed until further notice. For inquiries, please call 416-498- 3399 or email to millikenchristianchurch@gmail.com