
a. 傳道部將於今主日晚上7時30分於網上舉行“疫境也有主 同行,經典勵志歌曲續首唱”晚會。誠意邀請弟兄姊妹邀 請家人朋友於網上一起參加。 b.為方便更多弟兄姊妹能聆聴主日崇拜,粵語堂會增設電話 收聽 網上主日信息服務。(特為家用地線電話或非智能 手機),查詢請聯絡教會辦公室416-498-3399, 獲取收聽 編號 c. 團契/小組聚會:暫時不會在教聚會舉行,詳程請向各小 組負 責人查詢有關網上聚會的安排。

Online Worship

Cantonese at 9:15 am, English and Children’s message at 10:30 am, and Mandarin at 11:30 am. If you want to review the Sunday worship again, please go to the mccc.on.ca

Children’s Ministry

a. Children ministry needs your help! We will start Zoom-Children Sunday School for Elementary and Kindergarten classes in January. We are now looking for online teachers, craft and game designers, and people interested in learning and making visual storytelling videos to make the classes possible. Pastor Tim is eagerly waiting for your email or phone…