Child/Infant Dedication

We are planning a Child/Infant Dedication in February. This dedication is for children or infant at or under 6 years old; both parents are Christians and at least one parent and the child attend MCCC regularly. Please speak to Pastor Josiah or Pastor Vincent if you would like to dedicate your child/infant.


a. 堂委會:將於2 月2 日(下主日)下午2:00 在101 室召開會議。 b. 嬰孩/兒童奉獻禮:將於2 月16 日(主日)在粵語堂家庭主日舉行。兒 童奉獻的年齡是6 歲或以下;父母雙方都是基督徒,並且其中一位家 長及孩子定期參加美堅堂聚會。兄姊如願意將兒女奉獻給主,請在教 會辦公室外拿取表格,填妥後交回李牧師。 c. 關懷部:兄姊如有需要或歡迎關懷部同工探訪,請填寫有關資料,放 在大堂或副堂後「關懷部信箱」內,以便有效作出安排。在過去數主 日收到的回條,教牧已經跟進。 d. 為鼓勵兄姊為教會禱告,每期的禱告事項會放在雜誌架,歡迎取閱。

Lost and Found

The “Lost and Found Box” is now stored at the corner of the stairway next to Room 101. If you have any lost items like clothes, umbrellas and water bottles etc. Please pick up them before February 2nd, as the box will be cleared after that day.