Church office

Church office will close for Canada Day holiday on July 2nd, Monday. Pastoral staffs will take their replacement holiday on Tuesday.


a. 週六啟發課程︰新開辦週六中午12 時啟發課程,歡迎兄姊介紹給未 信主的親友參加,請向李牧師或Irene 查詢及報名。 b. 嘉年團夏日玩轉Barrie一日遊︰將於8月2日(週四)舉行,多謝兄姊的 支持,名額已滿。

Praise and Prayer Night

English Worship team will be hosting a dedicated praise and prayer night in the sanctuary upstairs on July 21st at 7:30pm. This will be a time where we can worship and sing praises to God together in a focused environment. Everyone is welcome.