
a. 祈禱會:本週三(20 日)晚7:30 舉行,由傳道部負責領詩/及分享。 b. 週六啟發課程︰新開辦週六中午12 時啟發課程,歡迎兄姊介紹給未 信主的親友參加,請向李牧師或Irene 查詢及報名。 c. 嘉年團夏日玩轉Barrie一日遊︰8月2日(週四)早上9時教會出發,約下 午6時返抵教會,全程豪華冷氣巴士。行程︰Cookstown購物中心、自 助午餐、採摘田園水果,暢遊Barrie巿中心及湖濱公園。費用︰65歲 或以上$36元、65歲以下$38元。購票︰徐承浩弟兄(額滿即止)。

Church Library

There will be a book table in Room B10 in the basement, between 11:00-11:30 am and 12:30-1:00 pm today. Free spiritual books and CD-ROMs will be given out. Please come & feel free to take.

Canada Day Outreach Event

The church will have a Canada Day outreach event on the afternoon of July 1st (Sunday). One of the events is to perform a “Praise Dance”. Brothers and sisters (must be Christians) are invited to participate in this program. Practice time & place: June 23rd, 30th (Saturday) afternoon 5:00-6:30 in the church room B10, Instructor…