
a. 崇拜聚會結束後,教會備有茶點供應。請弟兄姐妹及新朋友移步到禮 堂前廊,共同享用、交友聯誼、共沐主恩。 b. 祈禱會﹕每週四晚上在教會舉行,青年組定於7:00 在地庫B3 室、其 他組於7:30 在101 室,盼望大家來一起禱告,以禱告為教會守望。 c. 請會眾仍要警覺全能神教徒的滲透及破壞工作。若有不相熟的人邀請 你去聚會或發視頻給你觀看,務要拒絕他們並與他們斷絕來往。 d. 香柏/嘉年團契﹕5 月24 日(週四)下午2:00 在101 室聚會的主題是「讓 讚美飛揚」。以詩歌頌讚,搭配分享及禱告,由許師母帶領。歡迎大 家同來頌讚,共沐主恩,會後備有茶點。 e. 成人主日學:2018 年第二季主日學將於下主日(5 月6 日)開課,請兄姊 踴躍參加,齊來學習主的話語。

Special Seminar

Emmanuel Fellowship is going to hold a seminar in the upstairs sanctuary on May 5th at 7:30 pm. The topic is “Mental Health for Healthy Teenagers”. The speaker is Dr. Karen Wang, Psychiatry Consultant from Tyndale University College and Seminary. Please feel free to invite your friends to join.


The Spring term ESL class will start on May 5th. The classes are free targeting anyone who is interested in learning English and are held every Saturday (except long weekends) at 10 am. Please pray for the students and the teachers.