a.祈禱會﹕國語堂依然有每週四晚7:30 的禱告會,目前來教會 和在家綫上參與結合進行。在這樣一個動蕩的時期,盼望大 家來更多一起禱告。 b. 團契/小組聚會改在綫上進行,直至另行安排。
a.祈禱會﹕國語堂依然有每週四晚7:30 的禱告會,目前來教會 和在家綫上參與結合進行。在這樣一個動蕩的時期,盼望大 家來更多一起禱告。 b. 團契/小組聚會改在綫上進行,直至另行安排。
Due to ongoing health concerns, Children Choir is cancelled for Easter.
a. The Children English Class is cancelled. b. 2020 Day Camp will be held on July 13-17 & 20-24 for children going to grades 1 to 6. Space is limited. Registration forms can be picked up at the magazine rack or outside the Children Ministry office (B4). Completed form with cheque payable to Milliken CCC…