
a. 祈禱會:將於本週三(4月18日)晚上7:30舉行,將由關顧部負責領詩 及分享代禱事項。 b. 晚間啟發課程:將於4月19日開始,共十堂,逢週四晚上6:30免費晚 膳,課程由7:30-9:30,討論基督教真理,歡迎兄姊邀請未信主朋友參 加。報名請聯絡李牧師或張艷賢姊妹。 c. 劉民和牧師分享會:加拿大預備大麻合法化,我們如何在職場、學校 及信仰上作出回應?劉民和牧師是晨曦會國際事工總幹事,他將為我 們作見證分享,日期為4月20日(週五),晚上7:30在教會禮堂舉行,歡 迎兄姊邀請親友參加。 d. 崇拜部:敬拜組定於5月19-20日舉行退修訓練營,主題:「燃起讚美 人生」,內容:領唱的預備與技巧、如何讀樂譜、靈命與事奉,地點: Residence & Conference Centre (1760 Finch Ave. East),時間:1:00 正,對象凡現任領詩、詩班員或將有心投身敬拜唱詩事奉肢體,歡迎 參加全程或日營。報名可向黃牧師或何秀棋姊妹(Judy)查詢。

Children Ministry

a. 2018 Children Day Camp: The camp will run on July 16-20 and 23-27. We will accept children going to grades 1 to 6. Registration will ONLY take place on April 22 (Sunday), 11 am to 12 noon in room B10. Space is limited. Please bring your completed registration with cheque payable to Milliken CCC….

Missions Department

a. A special collection to raise funds to support education of poor teenage girls in slum area in Uganda through GO International will be held on 2 Sundays (April 15 and April 22). If you are touched to make donation, please ask usher for a GOI envelope and mark clearly that it is for supporting…