English Congregation News

EMC Meeting: The EMC meeting will be held on March 18th (next Sunday) in Room B1 at 1:00 pm. All EMC members please join us. There will be lunch provided. Good Friday Service Baptism: We will be having a Good Friday service Baptism on March 30th. If anyone is interested in getting baptized, please contact…

Children Ministry

a. The next prayer meeting will be held on March 14th (Wed) at 7:30 pm in Room B5. We encourage teachers and parents to join us. b. Summer Children Ministry Assistant: If you are a university/college student, or will enter post-secondary school in September, and are interested in applying for this position, please speak to…


a. 三月份祈禱會於本週三(14 日)晚上7:30 在B5 室舉行,鼓勵家長及老 師們踴躍出席。 b. 聘請暑期助理:應徵者須為大學生/大專生,或於今年9 月才進入專上 學院或大學讀書的青年人,具有教導兒童基督教信仰經驗者優先,詳 情請聯絡阮傳道。 c. 兒童暑期日營義工:教會將於7 月16-20 及23-27 日舉行「兒童暑期日 營」,現正尋找態度積極及熱心事奉的青年基督徒(八年級或以上),幫 助不同年齡的兒童學習神的大愛。申請者資格為已接受主耶穌基督作 個人救主、可以接受訓練和參與營前準備。有興趣參與者,請聯絡阮 仲謙傳道。