ECB News Flash

(Minutes for June 18, 2019): a. MCCC has adopted the following missionaries and missionary organizations for support and prayer:  Hudson Taylor Centre at Tyndale University College & Seminary  Pastor Xiao Dan Gang (Canadian Baptist Ministries)  Sam & Linda Ling (missionaries with Interserve working in a creative access country) b. MCCC has contracted…

Supporting Staff

Our church custodian, Mr. Jing Chao Li will be on holiday from June 21 to 30. He will retire on July 1, 2019. A BBQ lunch will be held on June 23, today from 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm to celebrate his retirement. For those who have purchased the tickets, please stay behind.

Oil Painting Class

The Oil Painting Class has ended. The paintings of the students are on display at the main floor foyer until July 1, 2019.