Chinese New Year

Happy Chinese New Year! May peace and growth continue for every member of the body of Christ.

Good Friday Service

Each congregation has been asked to volunteer 5- 6 people for the Good Friday Service play. If you are interested in participating, please contact Pastor Josiah or he will find you.


(2018 年2 月18 日) 題目:「學主耶穌基督的樣式」 經文:太11:29、太5:3, 5 早堂事奉人員: 主席: 陳佳德傳道          講員:許卓憑牧師 會前負責:于厚雄弟兄          領詩/司琴:詩班 祈禱:吳杰民弟兄          讀經:佘定君姊妹 司事:洪靜姊妹、林清姊妹、鄭榕弟兄、鄭美芬姊妹、楊秀喜姊妹、遲麗容姊妹        音響/放映:朱強弟兄 圖書館:早-徐達忠弟兄、午-招鳳儀姊妹 午堂事奉人員: 講員: 許卓憑牧師          會前負責: Jeffrey Zhu 弟兄 司事: 尹顥姊妹、張桂琴姊妹          讀經:光琴姊妹 音響/放映: Brian Sun 弟兄