Missions Department

a. Rev. & Mrs. Luke Goh will go to Germany from June 26 to August 12. They will minister the congregation for Pastor Lewis & Felain Lam who will return to Toronto for furlough. Please pray for their safety, health and ministry. b. STM trip to Germany: This will be held on June 5-19: This…

Canada Day Outreach

MCCC will have a Canada Day community outreach event on Monday, July 1 with prayer, performances, game booths and a garage sale. Brothers and sisters are encouraged to donate items to sell at the garage sale. Please bring the items to church and put them in room 101 on Sunday, June 23 or June 30….

ECB Meeting

ECB will meet on this Tuesday, June 18, at 7:00 pm in Room 101. All co-workers please attend.