Missions Department

The short term mission team organized by GO International will go to Uganda on November 16th, 2017. Team members from MCCC are Mrs. Rebecca Lee and Mrs. Katherine Chao. They will return on December 1st. Please remember them in your prayer that they will have good health and a safe trip.

Children ministry

a. The purpose of the Christmas shoebox is to provide children across the world with daily useful items that they cannot afford. You can pick up a shoebox downstairs outside room B4. Please have the assembled shoebox and the $10 delivery fee inside the box and returned to room B5. The deadline of the collection…

ECB News

a. Membership Meeting will be held on Sunday November 19. All church members are encouraged to attend and cast their ballots for the following items on that day: – Approval of minutes of Membership Meeting on May 28, 2017. – Approval of Milliken CCC budget in 2018 with a total amount of $911,403.48. b. Following…