
a. 崇拜聚會結束後,教會備有茶點供應。請弟兄姐妹及新朋友移步到 禮堂前廊,共同享用、交友聯誼、共沐主恩。 b. 祈禱會﹕每週四晚上在教會舉行,青年組定於7:00 在地庫B3 室、 其他組於7:30 在101 室,盼望大家來一起禱告,以禱告為教會守望。 c. 請弟兄姊妹提防全能神教徒的滲透工作,如果有陌生人邀請你參加 他們的聚會,千萬不要答應,要立時拒絕他/她。 d. 香柏/嘉年團契下次聚會將於10 月26 日下午2 時在101 室舉行。 由招鳳儀姐妹分享見證:「重新裝備,為主作工」。歡迎弟兄姐妹 參加。

Building Condominium Board

Our building will undergo a series of external renovation, including the main door, outside wall and pedestrian walkways from Oct 2nd to Oct 30th. Please take care as you come in or leave the church, and be alert to any notice boards. For your safety, please do not enter or cross any area under construction.

Thanksgiving Food Drive

MCCC will be collecting non-perishable food items for the Gibson Center from October 1st-31st. Please put all food donations in the collection boxes in the foyer upstairs or outside the basement chapel.