Thanksgiving Food Drive

MCCC will be collecting non-perishable food items for the Gibson Center from October 1st-31st. Please put all food donations in the collection boxes in the foyer upstairs or outside the basement chapel.

MCCC Missions Committee

The short term mission team going to Uganda early November will run a food fund raising next Sunday (Oct 22) for the support of Ugandan children ministries and the missionaries there. Please come out and support them.


參加華傳到非洲烏干達的短宣隊(十一月初)將於10 月22 日(下主日)在本堂舉行義賣食物籌款,所得款項作為津貼是次短宣兒 童事工及支持當地宣教士之用,請弟兄姊妹踴躍支持,同作主工。