
a. 聘請堂務同工:教會現誠聘全職堂務同工一名,負責教會清潔工作及 簡單日常維修,弟兄姊妹如有意申請,請聯絡趙永智執事/楊天才執事 /阮仲謙牧師。 b. 主日停車:請兄姊注意在主日駕車回教會時,只可把車輛停泊在黃色 界線的車位內,即靠近教會側面入口處的位置,白色界線的車位是供 善牧堂會眾使用的。

Children Ministry

Position for Summer Assistant: Candidates must be young people aged 15-30. Preference will be given to university/college students who have experience of teaching children Christian faith. If interested, please speak to Rev. Tim Yuen.

Happy Chinese New Year

Happy Chinese New Year! This coming Tuesday, February 5, is Chinese New Year. May peace and growth continue for every member of the body of Christ!