Senior Activities – Oil Painting Class

There are two sessions. Each has 4 classes with the same content. The teacher is Mr. Kanson Lee (graduated from OCAD, owner of an art studio). The first session is from October 3 to 24 and second one is from November 7 to 28. The time is every Tuesday from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm…

Children ministry

Prayer Meeting will be held on September 13th (Wed) at 7:30 pm in Room B5. We encourage teachers and parents to join us.


兒童事工祈禱會定於每月第二個週三晚上7:30在B5室 舉行,九月份祈禱會於本週三(13日)舉行,鼓勵家長及老師們踴躍出席。