Pastoral News

a. Rev. John Hua will be on holiday from August 9th to 15th. b. Rev. Andy Wong will be on holiday from August 8th to 9th. c. Pastor Tim Yuen will lead a team for this summer’s inner-city mission trip to Willowtree community from August 8th to 11th. They will serve in a children’s outreach…

English Congregation News

EMC meeting: The EMC will meet on August 20 (Sunday) at 1 pm (move from Sep 3) to discuss 2018 budget and other important matters. All are welcomed to join for lunch at 1 pm. English Worship team: If you have a passion and interest to serve in our Sunday worship team, and has been…


a. 祈禱會:將於8 月2 日(本週三)晚上7:30 舉行,將由黃牧師負責領詩 及分享代禱事項。 b. 嘉年團契:「Hamilton 一天遊」將於本週二(8 月1 日)舉行,請已購票 的兄姊及朋友於當天早上8 時15 分在教會集合,逾時不候,約於7 時 30 分返回教會。請自備食水,防曬用品(如帽,太陽油)及環保購物袋。