a. News Flash (Minutes for November 18, 2018). 1/ Membership Meeting: 135 members (52.12% of the church membership) voted in the Membership Meeting on November 18. The 2019 Church Budget was approved by the membership during the meeting. 2/ Pastor Timothy Yuen Ordination (December 15, Saturday) ˙Ordination Service: The ordination service for Pastor Tim will…

Missions Department

STM to Myanmar/Cambodia: a. June Cheng and Juliana Wen from Cantonese congregation will be going to Myanmar for STM on November 16-28. Juliana will continue the trip to Cambodia until December 7. Pastor Teresa Tong will lead the team and there are nine more members from other church. Please pray for them. b. The short…


a. ECB Meeting: ECB will meet on November 18 (today) at 4:30 pm in Room 101. All ECB members please attend. b. Membership Meeting: The AGM will be held on November 18 (today). Immediately after the worship, church members are encouraged to cast their ballots about the approval of 2019 MCCC’s budget as follows: Budget…