This class will be started on May 7, coming Tuesday at 10:30 am in Room B10. The cost is $60 including course materials and will be collected in the first lesson. If interested, please speak to Laura Chang or contact the church office.
This class will be started on May 7, coming Tuesday at 10:30 am in Room B10. The cost is $60 including course materials and will be collected in the first lesson. If interested, please speak to Laura Chang or contact the church office.
Worship arrangement on May 19, 2019 (Sunday): Cantonese – joint service at church at 9:30 am Mandarin – joint service at church at 11:15 am English – no service at church, join with UOIT Sunday worship No adult Sunday School
This will be held on May 18-20, Victoria Day long weekend at UOIT. Today is the last day for registration. Please speak to Pastor Josiah or Deacon Wylie Poon if interested.