Pastoral News

Pastor Eleanor Kwan will be joining Operation Mobilization in Greece on a short-term mission in Athens from April 30th to May 14th. Please pray that the logistics for this trip will go smoothly and that her mission with OM in Athens will be fruitful.

GM team

There are two file cabinets, a computer table and a color printer that you can take if you like to. The pictures for these furniture are posted on the bulletin board outside church office. If you like to take it / them home, please speak to church secretary Sam Cheung by today.

Children Ministry

For 2017 Children Day Camp registration, we will accept children going to grades 1 to 6. Please speak to Pastor Tim for the registration form. Registration will ONLY take place on April 23 (next Sunday), 11 am to 12 noon only in room B10, and stop when the limit for registration is reached. Please bring…