Church Summer Camp 2017

 The date is June 23-25, and is held at UOIT. The theme is “Embrace God’s plan for your life”. God has a plan (a miracle) for M3C. You can discover this plan. How do we fit in this plan? God started with Rev. Ricky Yung in January to let us see the possibility. Now…

Children / Infant Dedication

The church is planning a children / infant dedication on Mother’s Day (May 14th, Sunday) in each congregation. This dedication is for children or infant at or under 6 years old; both parents are Christians and at least one parent and the child attends MCCC regularly. Please speak to the congregation pastor if you like…


教會將於母親節主日(5 月14 日)在三堂舉行兒童 /嬰孩奉獻禮,年齡由六歲或以下,父母親都是基督徒,其中一位家長 及兒童經常參加教會聚會,有意讓兒女參加奉獻禮者,請向該堂教牧接 洽。