a. Banquet for the Ordination of Pastor Tim Yuen: This will be held on the evening of Saturday December 15, 2018 at Royale Fine Dining and Banquet (皇家御宴) at Steeles and Silver Star Blvd. Tickets will be $40 each (same price for adults and children). For ticket purchase, please contact Stephen Hum. b. Finance Department:…


a. 阮仲謙傳道按牧慶祝晚宴將於12月15日(週六)晚上於皇家御宴(Steeles and Silver Star Blvd) 舉行,餐券現已開始發售,每張40元(成人/兒童同 價),國語堂購票請聯絡于厚雄弟兄。 b. 財務部:  請各堂及各部門於8月27日前提交「2019年財政預算」給鄭澄旋執事。  2018年1月份至6月份的奉獻總額已經派發,兄姊亦可在雜誌架上拿取, 如有查詢,請聯絡鄭澄旋執事。

Pastoral Staff

a. Rev. Luke Xie will be on holiday from August 21 to 25. b. Pastor Tim Yuen will on replacement holiday and annual leave from August 21 to September 4.