Missions Department

Germany Short Term Mission will depart on June 1st and return to Toronto on June 14th. This team is led by Rev. Luke Xie and Mrs. Rebecca Lee. Other team members are Deaconess Sheila Xu, Deacon Gary Dong, Bernard Lee from MCCC and Alice Ko, Ka Wai Yan, May Lau, Vicky Cheung from RHCCC. Please…

MCCC 30th Anniversary Summer Camp

The date is June 23-25, and is held at UOIT. The theme is “Embrace God’s plan for your life”. God has a plan (a miracle) for M3C. You can discover this plan. How do we fit in this plan? God started with Rev. Ricky Yung in January to let us see the possibility. Now He…

Children Ministry

a. Summer Children Ministry Assistant: If you are a university/college student, or will enter post-secondary school in September, and are interested in applying for this position, please speak to Pastor Tim. b. Volunteer Recruit: We are looking for Christian youths (Grade 8 and up) with a positive attitude and zest for mission to volunteer in…