Pastoral Staff

Rev. Vincent Lee and Pastor Josiah Tse will be leading a group of 7 adults to attend Urbana 2018 from December 26 to January 1, 2019.

Church Office

The church office will be closed on January 1, 2019 for New Year holiday. Happy New Year! Coming Tuesday will be the first day of 2019. May God bless you and keep you as you follow the Lord every day!


(12 月30 日)︰ 講題及經文:「講員自定」 早堂事奉人員: 主席:張淑美姊妹          講員: Johnny Beardy 傳道 會前負責:于厚雄弟兄           領詩/司琴:詩班 祈禱:方榮恩姊妹          讀經:林娟姊妹 迎新:朱強弟兄、斯靜姊妹          茶點:李立雲姊妹、張天慈姊妹 司事:林娟姊妹、黃姿華姊妹、黃雪容姊妹、林清姊妹、陳斌姊妹、鄭榕弟兄          音響/放映:于厚軍弟兄 午堂事奉人員: 講員: Johnny Beardy 傳道          會前負責:何浩弟兄 敬拜負責人:景宏源弟兄         讀經:張桂琴姊妹 司事:董觀宇夫婦          音響/放映:張偉弟兄