Pastors and Staff News

a.Rev. Andy Wong is speaking in a Gospel Sunday today at Peoples Gospel Church b.Rev. John Hua will be on holiday on Dec 20th (Tue) and 22nd (Thu) c.Rev. Luke Xie will be on holiday on Dec 21st (Wed) and 23rd (Fri) d.Secretary Sam Cheung will be on holiday from Dec 18-29.


a. 黃敏華牧師應萬民福音堂邀請,今早前往主領福音主日。 b. 謝飛鵬牧師於本週三(21 日)及本週五(23 日)放假。 c. 行政同工張佩森姊妹於12 月18-29 日放假。

Devotional readings

The Bible Reading Plan from September to the end of the year is from the Book of Acts as follows: December 18 (Sun) Acts 25:1-12 December 19 (Mon) Acts 25:13-22 December 20 (Tue) Acts 25:23-27 December 21 (Wed) Acts 26:1-11 December 22 (Thu) Acts 26:12-23 December 23 (Fri) Acts 26:24-32 December 24 (Sat) Acts 27:1-12