ACEM 40th Missions Conference (Beyond Boundaries) a. Please get a copy of the Missions Prayer Guide and pray for our missionaries fervently and regularly. b. Prayer Cards: Please complete and return the original copy
ACEM 40th Missions Conference (Beyond Boundaries) a. Please get a copy of the Missions Prayer Guide and pray for our missionaries fervently and regularly. b. Prayer Cards: Please complete and return the original copy
a. STM to Indonesia: Please continue to remember Stanley Hum, J & A in your prayer. They will be back on November 3. b. STM to Myanmar/Cambodia: June Cheng and Juliana Wen from Cantonese congregation will go to Myanmar for STM on November 16-28. Juliana will continue the trip to Cambodia until December 7. Pastor…
a. ECB will meet on this Tuesday, October 30, at 7:00 pm in Room 101. All ECB members please attend. b. Membership Meeting: The AGM to approve MCCC’s 2019 church budget will be held on November 18 (Sunday). The membership list is posted on the bulletin board opposite to the church office. Please speak to…