
a. 崇拜聚會結束後,教會備有茶點供應。請弟兄姐妹及新朋友移步到禮 堂前廊,共同享用、交友聯誼、共沐主恩。 b. 祈禱會﹕每週四晚上在教會舉行,青年組定於7:00 在地庫B3 室、其 他組於7:30 在101 室,盼望大家來一起禱告,以禱告為教會守望。 c. 請會眾仍要警覺全能神教徒的滲透及破壞工作。若有不相熟的人邀請 你去聚會或發視頻給你觀看,務要拒絕他們並與他們斷絕來往。

Children Ministry

a. 2018 Children Day Camp: We will accept children going to grades 1 to 6. Registration will ONLY take place on TODAY, 11 am to 12 noon in room B10. Space is limited. Please bring your completed registration with cheque payable to Milliken CCC. There will be no refund policy. b. Summer Children Ministry Assistant:…

Missions Department

a. A special collection to raise funds to support education of poor teenage girls in slum area in Uganda through GO International will be held on 2 Sundays (April 15 and April 22). If you are touched to make donation, please ask usher for a GOI envelope and mark clearly that it is for supporting…