Good Friday Service/Baptism

Good Friday Service: Each congregation has been asked to volunteer 5- 6 people for the Good Friday Service play. If you are interested in participating, please contact Pastor Josiah or he will find you. Good Friday Service Baptism: We will be having a Good Friday service Baptism on March 30th. If anyone is interested in…


(2018 年2 月25 日) 題目:「謙卑捨己」 經文:腓立比書2:1-8 早堂事奉人員: 主席: 方榮恩姊妹          講員: 陳佳德傳道 會前負責:溫耐弟兄          領詩/司琴:詩班 祈禱: 朱強弟兄          讀經:斯靜姊妹 司事: 鄭美芬姊妹、張天慈姊妹、翁鴿姊妹、黃雪蓉姊妹、佘定君姊妹、鄭榕弟兄          音響/放映:于厚雄弟兄 圖書館:早-周重仁弟兄、午-招鳳儀姊妹 午堂事奉人員: 講員: 陳佳德傳道          會前負責: 齊媛姊妹 敬拜負責人: 計嘉欣姊妹          讀經: 尹顥姊妹 司事: 董觀宇夫婦          音響/放映: 楊作軍弟兄